Wednesday, 28 April 2010


We have encountered a setback in our planning - the cornfield we were going to use has been completely ploughed and reduced to a field of what is effectively - soil. This does not have quite the same effect as the corn did, so we have chosen to relocate our thriller opening to Cannock Chase, a woodland area nearby. As some areas of Cannock Chase are closely packed trees, it can be made to seem a very dark and eerie enviroment, which we think will work just as effectively as the cornfield would have done.
The plot of our scene has had to be altered slightly to allow for the location change.
  • Our victim will now be running through a forest amongst the trees before she falls over and presents the opportunity for her persuer to catch up and strangle her.
  • The body will now be found by two hikers, as this fits with the setting.
This is the plan of our adjusted film.

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